Introducing Our New Marketing Executive

Absolute is thrilled to welcome Jasmine Feingold as Marketing Executive, an exciting and creative role to lead all aspects of our Absolute social and client content.

With experience on a successful marketing team, and a first class degree in Business and Psychology, Jasmine’s creativity and enthusiasm for the role made her the perfect fit for the Absolute team.

Jasmine has a range of interests including sports such as diving, dancing and gymnastics- for which she is a qualified and practiced coach for Ripon Gymnastics Academy.

We’ve taken some time to find out more about Jasmine’s motivation to join Absolute.

What made you join Absolute?

I’ve always had a passion for design- particularly interiors. So naturally, being able to apply my skills to a sector I feel passionate about in a company with a great culture made Absolute an ideal fit.

What excites you about your new role?

Where do I start? Being part of a hardworking and inspiring team, having scope to be creative, seeing all the projects come to life and just being able to channel my energy into something I feel passionate about.

What are your short term goals and long term goals here at Absolute?

Short term I’m looking to get myself acquainted with how Absolute works, integrating myself with the team and establishing where my energy needs to go to produce my best work. Long term, I’d love to build Absolute’s Marketing so that it showcases the impressive and extensive knowledge the team holds to position as a thought leader in the field.

What is a dream trip you would want to go on?

I so badly want to visit Japan. It would be such a different culture to experience and I love to immerse myself in new things… I also love Sushi, ramen and Matcha tea so it’s pretty ideal