Introducing the Office of the Future: The Hub

The Office of the Future: The Hub

The future of the office is bright, but it’s different. Following the changes and challenges that businesses have endured over the past year, changes to the purpose and function of the future office are inevitable.

Many employees no longer want or need to work at their office desk 9-5, with companies realising their ability to function with a remote team and employees having had a taste of an improved work-life balance as they split their working week between the office and home. A considerable number of office spaces are sitting half empty as a result, and are no longer being used to their full potential. Long after the pandemic, this could still be the case as hybrid workforces continue to spend time working away from the office.

These office spaces need to adapt and be brought in line with changing business models and methods of working. Office spaces are a considerable investment for any business, so they need to work effectively in order to provide the best value for money.  

Introducing - drumroll please - the office hub. Now that employees can work remotely, when they choose to come into the office it will likely be for the sociable and collaborative benefits, and the new ‘hub’ will cater to just that.


What is the Office Hub?

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The hub acts as the central part of a company’s culture, the heart of activity for a business and an environment that brings team members together in a physical space.

Rather than an office space primarily made up of rows of desks and chairs acting as fixed workspaces for each employee, much like the traditional open plan office, the future office hub is much more agile and flexible. Offering more choice to employees, the hub is less formal and more informal.  


How Does the Future Workplace Look?

Future Office

The biggest change associated with the office hub concept is its purpose. The furniture within the office hub is crucial in enabling the creative, collaborative and sociable function that the hub thrives on. The future workplace features a variety of furniture catering to different activities, and these will depend on the nature of the work taking place within the business, in addition to the size of the space and number of employees.

The hub will feature at least one breakout area but possibly multiple, in addition to collaborative spaces that allow team member to huddle together, quiet working areas for individuals or small groups to use, multiple meeting rooms and some desk space for a plug and play, hot-desking type of concept.   

Technology is hugely important to the success of the office hub too, needed to successfully connect office workers with remote team members, in addition to virtual meetings with clients and partners. Additionally, agile furniture needs to have the relevant technology integrations to equip staff with everything they need to work productively around the office.

How Will the Hub Impact the Future of Work?

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The hub will play a large role in the culture of a company. No matter how successfully people can work from home, nothing can replace the social connection that takes place within the office, and the hub environment will only enhance this further.

Adapting workspaces to the hub concept will support the future of hybrid working and enhance the employee experience going forward. Doing this will enable employees to work creatively and productively through a workspace designed to support all of the activities and personalities within a business.

In order for the hub to work both now and in the future, of course the health and safety of employees working throughout the pandemic is also crucial. Despite the hub focusing on collaboration and socialisation, it’s still possible for this to be done at a distance whilst it is needed.

Asking employees to sit on every other seat and installing sanitisation products throughout the office can help your staff to feel safe in the workplace. Once social distancing is no longer needed, employees can start using the space however they wish. The key is to create an environment that can easily adapt to changing ways of work in the modern landscape.

Are you ready to adapt your workspace to the future of work? Our expert interior designers can create a concept designed around the needs of your business. Get in touch to take the first step towards your future workplace!