How to Build a Strong Culture with a Remote Team


Knowing how to build a strong culture with a remote team has become more important than ever given the Government’s current advice to work from home. The new need for many people to work remotely has brought to light some valuable challenges and lessons to better any business now and in the long-run. We’re all adapting and learning to communicate in new ways.

With this change brings a valuable question - how do you maintain a good company culture whilst working remotely? We’ve put together some advice on doing so…

1. Choose the right tools

The tools implemented in your working practices are crucial to your remote company culture. It takes more than an email to keep your team properly connected. The most significant thing missing whilst working remotely is the in-person, ‘here and now’ interaction. To make up for this loss, instant messaging tools such as Microsoft Teams and Slack are great digital alternatives. The benefit of utilising these as a team is in the name; they’re instant, and much less formal than an email.

It’s not to say that you need all of these tools, of course. Instead, choose the tool that suit your team and implement them company-wide!

Here at Absolute, our group chats are filled with photos, memes and humour, and it’s this type of communication that allows us to extend our fun company culture to remote working!

2. Team video calls

One feature great at keeping your team happy and motivated during remote working, is a team video call! This type of interaction is brilliant for preventing feelings of isolation and instead keeping everyone connected. It’s the next best thing to a chat in the workplace.

Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype are all great tools to help make this happen, but if there’s more than 4 of you on a call, we recommend Zoom. Not only do you get to see everyone’s faces at once, but you also have the ability to share your screen.

3. Celebrate wins – big and small!

Another great way of building culture in a remote team is to make sure to celebrate the wins – big or small! No matter how far apart your team are, you’re all working for the same company and towards a common goal, and celebrating wins is a brilliant way of motivating and connecting your team whilst working remotely. Team celebrations are fantastic for the development of a strong remote culture.   

4. Promote open communication

To bring out the best in your team, make sure everyone has a platform to speak on. Communication is that little bit harder with a remote team, and quieter employees are at risk of having their voice lost amongst the crowd. Instead, promote open communication and give your employees the confidence to contribute.

5. Welcome feedback

Part of building a strong company culture with a remote team, is showing that you care about building a strong company culture. It’s advantageous to ask your team to offer feedback on your culture and the systems in place, and take on board their advice to make improvements and alterations that better your business and culture.

This is particularly important if remote working is new to your team; check in with your employees to ensure your team feel valued and heard, and see how they’re adapting to the change.

6. Create Ergonomic Workstations

Just as your office environment affects your company culture, so do remote workstations. Physical space affects mood, productivity and wellbeing, all of which contribute to the culture of your team.

To build a strong and happy group of employees, it’s important that they have the means to carry out their roles efficiently. Train your employees on how to build an ergonomic workstation remotely - don’t worry if you’re unsure how; we have a blog post to help on this very topic! Encouraging your team to create an ergonomic workstation also helps your business to look after the wellbeing and happiness of its team, remotely.

Since working from home, many of us have realised just how much we took our ergonomic office workstations for granted! As a result, we’ve collated some fantastic desk chairs, desks and laptop stands from quality furniture suppliers able to deliver to your home in a matter of days. If you’d like to invest in your own at-home workstation, or do so for your team, get in touch!

Remote Company Culture

Building a strong remote company culture will not only benefit your team whilst working remotely, but back in the workplace too. Finessing your culture remotely will strengthen your business and team as a whole, and puts your company in a good position should your team need to work remotely again!